Replace your PC with the RX300 12:58:00 PMCloud-Ready Thin Client For Windows NComputing has delivered more than 3 million low-cost thin clients worldwide. Our latest, the RX300, is...Read More
Introducing vSpace Guardian, a Category-Based Web Filtering Service 7:26:00 AM We are excited to announce the launch of vSpace Guardian . It is a category-based web filtering service, designed to let you manage, con...Read More
NComputing puts excess PC power to good use 1:29:00 PM NComputing CEO Steve Dukker doesn't just subscribe to the belief that the average PC packs more processing power than the average end-...Read More
NComputing vSpace and L-Series virtual desktops 1:18:00 PM NComputing takes different approach to desktop virtualization, combining low-overhead OS virtualization and proprietary hardware clien...Read More
NComputing vSpave Pro10 3:29:00 AM We are extremely excited to announce NComputing vSpace Pro10 is finally available for public release. Guided by your valuable feedbac...Read More
NComputing introduce vSpace Pro 10, latest desktop virtualization platform 1:45:00 AM Schools and SMBs can remotely manage hundreds of virtual desktops with new NComputing cloud features, saving costs of up to 80% per year ...Read More
Go Green with NComputing 2:13:00 AM Desktop Virtualization and Eco-Friendly Computing We can't live without PCs , so let’s learn how to live with them in a way that ma...Read More
NComputing Solutions 1:40:00 AM NComputing solutions take the guesswork out of desktop virtualization by positioning the right solution for your needs quickly, within b...Read More
NComputing for Education 1:30:00 AM Make one-to-one computing a reality The traditional model: 1:1 computing with PCs at every desk Funding obstacles More and more edu...Read More
NComputing Introducing N600 Thin Clients 1:59:00 PM Introducing N600 Thin Clients for Citrix HDX with native dual monitor support We are pleased to announce the launch of the Ncomputing...Read More